Do you NaNo? #IWSG

IWSG Question of the Month: November is National Novel Writing Month. Have you ever participated?

…since 2007. Haven’t won every year, but some years were more challenging than others.

Recently has been some of those years. Not going to describe how hard I cringed at seeing March as my last blog post date. While I’ve been fighting with certain aspects of getting Phantom Descent to publication and my other project closer to off the ground, it hasn’t been the only thing holding me back.

I generally keep things like this to myself, but my health, both physical and mental, hasn’t been that great. I’ve also spent a good chunk of time deep diving into figuring myself out which in turn has made me realize that I wrote Ketayl in a similar manner. There is another character that I wrote similar as well, but that one doesn’t show up until Phantom Descent and they aren’t as obvious in that.

Anyway, I won’t bore people with the details of my personal life, but I have a plan that’ll take several months to execute. I’m hoping it gets me back on track at least with putting out new stories. I can’t make any guesses on publishing timeframes right now.

However, I will be taking a shot at book 8 for this NaNoWriMo. I have barely a concept so we’ll see how this goes. Or at least that’s what I vaguely remember when I was toying with the idea over the summer and had no internet access. Pretty sure I have the notes on my phone…

Anyone who is friends with me in NaNo and wondering what the hells is up with the WIP title… just let me have my entertainment until I figure out what the title should actually be.

About the Insecure Writer’s Support Group

One thought on “Do you NaNo? #IWSG

  1. I hope book 8 works out. And I think it’s cool you’ve discovered something about yourself. I know my characters are facets of me. Derek is the optimist and “roll with it” guy, who leans toward anxiety and mental breakdowns. MaTisha is the one who manages everything and maintains an even keeled outside even when things are turning monstrous inside. Cera–I slip into Cera when I need to be a little more confident and fun.

    Perhaps it’s not Derek who has the multiple personalities…

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